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to bite one sharply

  • 1 ofarla

    1) high up, in the upper part (ofarla í dalnum);
    þeim mun í brún bregða ok ofarla klæja, they will make a wry face and their pates will tingle;
    fig., bíta e-m ofarla, to bite one sharply;
    ofarla á dögum Ólafs konungs, in the later part of the reign of King Olaf (= á ofanverðum dögum).
    * * *
    adv. = ofarliga, in a temp. sense, towards the end of a certain length of time; á hans dögum ofarla, 623. 11, Fms. iv. 24, xi. 201; o. á Langa-föstu, v. 168:—metaph., the phrase, bíta e-m ofarla, to bite sharply, Hm. 119.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ofarla

  • 2 ofarliga

    1) high up, in the upper part (ofarliga í dalnum);
    þeim mun í brún bregða ok ofarliga klæja, they will make a wry face and their pates will tingle;
    fig., bíta e-m ofarliga, to bite one sharply;
    ofarliga á dögum Ólafs konungs, in the later part of the reign of King Olaf (= á ofanverðum dögum).

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > ofarliga

  • 3 FAR

    * * *
    1) a means off passage, ship; bjarga fari á floti, to save a vessel qflaat; in compds., a trading vessel (Íslands-far, Englands-far);
    2) passage; taka (fá, ráða) sér fari or far, to take a passage in a ship; beiðast fars, to ask for a passage; synja e-m fars, to deny one a passage; banna e-m f., to forbid one to sail (cf. farbann);
    3) trace, print, track (Sveinki rak lömb sín til fjöru í förin); villast hundarnir farsins, the hounds lose the track; of et sama f., on the same subject;
    4) life, conduct, behaviour; í fari konungsins in the king’s character;
    5) state, condition (gefa þeir eigi gaum um hennar far) f. veðranna, the course of the winds; at fornu fari, of yore, of old.
    * * *
    I. motion, travel; rare in this sense, as the fem. för and ferð, q. v., are used instead.
    β. of the clouds, in the phrase, far á lopti, drift in the sky.
    II. a means of passage, a ship; far er skip, Edda 110, Skálda 163: the allit. phrase, hvert fljótanda far, every floating vessel, Fms. xi. 125, Fær. 260; at bjarga fari á floti, Hm. 155.
    2. in compds, a trading vessel; Íslands-far, an Iceland-trader, Fms. vi. 370, vii. 32; Englands-far, an English-trader, ix. 41; Dýrlinnar-far, a Dublin ship, Eb. 254; fjögra-, tveggja-, sex-manna-far, a four-, two-, six-oared boat.
    3. passage, in the phrases, taka sér (e-m) fari, fá sér fari, ráða sér fari, usually so in dat., but in mod. usage acc. (taka, ráða sér far), to take a passage in a ship, Gþl. 516, Grág. ii. 400, 406 (acc.), Ld. 50, Landn. 307, Eg. 288, Nj. 111, 112, Ísl. ii. 199, Eb. 194; beiðask fars, id., Grág. i. 90, Fms. vi. 239; banna e-m far, to forbid one a passage, stop one (far-bann), Landn. 307; synja e-m fars, to deny one a passage (far-synjan), Hbl. 54; at þeir hafi allir far, Jb. 393.
    III. a trace, track, print, Hom. 120; Sveinki rak lömb sín til fjöru í förin, at eigi mátti sjá tveggja manna för, Njarð. 376; nú villask hundarnir farsins, the hounds lost the track, Fms. v. 147, cp. O. H. L. 83: metaph., of et sama far, on the same subject, of a book, Íb. (pref.): in many compds, a print, mark of anv kind, fóta-för, footprints; skafla-för, the print of a sharp-shod horse; nálar-far, a stitch; fingra-för, a finger-print; tanna-för, a bite; nagla-för, the marks of nails, John xx. 25; knífs-far, a knife’s mark; eggjar-far, the mark of the edge, in a cut; járna-far, the print of the shackles; kjal-far, the keel’s track, wake of a ship; um-far, a turn, round; saum-far, a rim on a ship’s side.
    IV. metaph. life, conduct, behaviour; hugar-far, geðs-far, lundar-far, disposition, character; ættar-far, a family mark, peculiarity; dag-far, daily life, conduct of life; í góðra manna fari ok vándra, 677. 3; hvat þess mundi vera í fari konungsins, in the king’s character, Fms. v. 327; ek vissa þá marga hluti í fari Knúts konungs, at hann mætti heilagr vera, xi. 287; nokkut af fyrnsku eptir í fari hans, iii. 131.
    2. estate, condition; ok gefa þeir eigi gaum um hennar far, N. G. L. i. 226; sem hann hafði skírt far sitt, made known his state, how he fared, 34; aldar-far, Lat. genius seculi; dægra-far, q. v.: sára-far, the state of the wounds; víga-far, q. v.; heilindis-far, health, Mar. 124; far veðranna, the course of the winds, Eb. 218; þá skrifaða ek þessa (bók) of et sama far, on the same subject, Íb. (pref.)
    3. the phrase, at forni fari, of yore, of old, Gþl. 85, 86, Eg. 711; at fornu fari ok nýju, of yore and of late, D. N.; at réttu fari, justly.
    β. the phrase, göra sér far um e-t, to take pains about a thing.
    B. = fár, q. v., bale, ill-fate (rare); far er reiði, far er skip, Edda 110; at hann mundi fara þat far sem hans formaðr, that he would fare as ill as his predecessor, Bs. i. 758: cp. the dubious phrase, muna yðvart far allt í sundi þótt ek hafa öndu látið, your ill-fate will not all be afloat, i. e. cleared off, though I am dead, Skv. 3. 51; vera í illu fari, to fare ill, be in a strait, Orkn. 480; ok vóru í illu fari hér um, Stj. 394. Judges viii. 1, ‘and they did chide with him sharply,’ A. V.; at hann skyldi í engu fari móti þeim vera, that he should not be plotting ( brooding mischief) against them, Sturl. iii. 121 C.

    Íslensk-ensk orðabók > FAR

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